The Soul of My Poetry 文心
The soul of my poetry
is like the essence of water
following the same Way
sometimes so real
other times elusive
they can be wonderful
yet hard to understand.
When the Way manifests in my writing
It flows like water
swirling and creating ripples
spilling from the tip of my pen
causing waves from deepest origins.
When the Way manifest in water
Its ripples are mysterious
and hard to catch
Bursting forth like a rainbow
with exquisite colors.
If the Way can be heard
Listen to the murmuring of the spring
If the Way can be seen
Watch the soft mist above a lake
Constantly gathering and departing
No longer can I tell apart
Whether it is the water or my writing
forever changing into endless forms
emerging from some intangible spring
that can erupt suddenly
with full power and majesty
outpouring and stretching
for a thousand miles.
(translated by Jennifer from the Chinese poem below by 元曦. 以上英文譯自元曦如下中文詩。)
文心水機 道出於一 亦真亦幻 至怪至奇
夫彼為文 淵洄如水 溢於筆端 為漣為漪
夫彼為水 譎詭其文 噴薄而出 如虹如霓
若夫可聽 鳴泉濺濺 若夫可賞 江煙合離
文焉水焉 變態萬狀 發於方寸 頃刻千里
圖片來源 Photo credit: Benny Zhang Studio