As Winter Fades 當冬日凋零
By Gerard Traub | Translated in Chinese by We-e Liao | 英文詩:Gerard Traub | 中文翻譯:廖唯懿
When the blood-red flag 當那血紅旗幟
flies no more 不再飄揚
and the *Party’s lies 黨*的謊言
come to an end 來到終場
as winter fades 當冬日凋零
to the unfolding spring 春天來臨
here the lotus blooms 當蓮花綻放
and many a heart transcends. 心緒飛盪
Through a history of campaigns 一次次的運動
and countless crimes 漫無止盡的罪惡
propaganda and deception 宣傳和欺罔
the order of the day 已成日常
where the coldest snow melts 但當冷凜的雪融化
darkest skies depart 最闇的夜空遠宕
China upon new horizons 在冬日凋零的時刻
awakening as winter fades. 甦醒的中國
* Chinese Communist Party * 共產黨
Photo credit: Benny Zhang 攝影:張炳乾