All tagged 香港
Now, because of the CCPVirus, everybody has to wear a mask. 現在呢?人人都「乖乖」「自願」戴上口罩。
Morey, Rockets, since you've made Chinese people angry, the final result has to be: You must all die!
香港已進入沒有宣戰的戰爭狀態,由中共入侵香港而引發的香港保衛戰。We urgently need medical army to offer medical aids to victims.
While waiting for a friend in a Chinese restaurant in Washington DC today, I overheard two young Chinese women talking about the situation in Hong Kong… 今天在華盛頓一家中餐館等朋友來一起吃飯時,突然聽到鄰桌上的兩個年輕中國女孩在說話