All in Inspired by Life 人生感悟
What do you do when you receive something you cannot really pay back? 這時候,除了感動之外我還能做什麼呢?
I hope that more people find out about your excellent work. 我希望有更多人了解你們卓越的工作。
However, what concerns me more is this question: When can I go back to China without a visa? 此時此刻,從「難民」成爲「傑出人才」的我,心中沒有歡愉,反倒想起了元曦的這首《無題》
Maybe he had thought that in a country the size of China, one would expect to find several time zones, just like the situation in the U.S. 他想當然地認爲,中國版圖那麼大,肯定跟美國一樣,有好幾個時區吧。
After I announced that my EB-1 visa application was approved yesterday…我昨天在臉書上分享自己的特殊人才(EB-1)簽證申請獲批的消息後……
Now I am nearly 60 years old. Although the central committee of the Party has never sent anybody to discuss with me how I should take over our Communism yet, I am still managing to 到現在中央也沒人來找我談具體怎麼接班,但我仍然堅持默默地潛伏在社會最底層。
Once upon a time, Truth and Lie were having a bath in the river. 很久很久以前,謊言和真實在河邊洗澡。
Regarding yourself as others: this is "selflessness"; 把自己當成別人,此乃「無我」;