All in Inspired by Life 人生感悟

My Memory of 9/11 and Where We Are Now 我的9·11記憶及今日世界之最大威脅

But in terms of the safety of the world, I think we are in a far worse situation. But the threat maybe less visible, as the terrorists are using less visible, but “unrestricted warfare” against mankind.


"Jennifer is the Awakening Catalyst to the Slumbering Humanity" 「曾錚喚醒沉睡的人性」

Jennifer has the guidance and protection of a "heavenly star" from her journey from prison torture to miraculously shining over humanity with every one of her laboriously researched presentation surpasses even the mainstream giant media online/live news reporters. 在天上星辰的指引和保護下,曾錚從監獄中的折磨走上了神奇的照耀人性之路,她不辭辛苦所準備的每一期節目,都超越了甚至是大型主流媒體的在線和直播新聞記者。

