Breaking: The Southern War Zone of the PLA Requires School to Set up Taiwan Related Self Media and Public Opinion Detachment 中共南部戰區要求學校成立對臺相關自媒體及輿論分隊

An official letter from the Southern War Zone of the PLA of China shows that a school in Zhanjiang City in Guangdong Province was required to establish an internet self-media and publish opinion detachment. 一份中共解放軍南部戰區的公文顯示,广東湛江南海學校被要求建立「對臺有關」的互聯網自媒體暨輿論分隊。

Once in a state of War, What Should the General Public Do? 一旦进入战备状态,广大老百姓该干嘛?

In order to ensure that there are enough soldiers in the war, the state will also recruit on a large scale, opening up more places to join the army, so that a large number of new recruits can join the army as soon as possible, so that they strive to master combat skills before the war comes. 为了保证战争中拥有足够的兵源,国家还会大规模的招兵买马,开放更多参军的名额,让一大批的新兵尽快入伍,使他们争取在战争来临前掌握战斗技能。