However, faced with threats to her loved ones and the inability to return to China to visit them, the friend still feels "excruciating pain throughout her body." 然而,面對親人,及親人所受到的威脅,以及即便親人快過世時也不能回國看望的處境,朋友仍然會「痛遍全身。」
Only four days into Chinese New Year, two of the deadliest mass killings since the founding of the People's Republic of China have occurred. While the public was extremely shocked, the authorities have been controlling the information disseminated in the tightest possible way.
A lot of people now believe that China's economy is entering — or has entered — a depression. However, would anyone believe it if someone proposed a theory that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was creating this situation intentionally?
The number of followers of Global Times and Huawei on Facebook far exceeds their following in China. This discrepancy warrants attention and calls for an investigation by relevant authorities.
By the way, the decline in China's GDP in 2023, if it is denominated in US dollars, is minus 9.5%, not minus 4.9%. That is due to the changes in the ratio of the renminbi to the US dollar. This is China's real GDP.
Could this be the first black swan event for China in 2024? While New Year's Day 2024 was hardly over, there came an explosive piece of news.
Xi Jinping became aware of this situation at the end of October of last year. After learning about it, he took three actions.
Previously, people often said that Xi Jinping wanted to initiate a second Cultural Revolution, returning to the era of a planned economy. However, few explored how many ordinary people were actually calling for another Cultural Revolution too.
你在樹林裡撿到一塊手錶,你會這麼想嗎:這是在遙遠的過去,某座火山噴發後,噴發出來的某些礦物在機緣巧合下,風吹雨打恰巧之下,變成了 一個正圓精確毫無瑕疵的齒輪
The second-generation Reds of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have collectively rebelled, aiming to form a new party to overthrow Xi Jinping's rule. This marks the most significant political crisis faced by Xi Jinping since he came to power.
So, here's the first members and donors-only early access show, which is my prediction of what could happen in China in 2024.
China stopped releasing the youth unemployment rate in August after it soared to a record high of 21.3% in June. Since then, the world has been in the dark about the employment situation in China. But a Chinese economist's analysis has presented us with a gloomy picture: China could face a staggering situation with up to 120 million unemployed people at risk of starvation.
Will Chinese-made vaccines cause widespread public health emergencies? The sudden death of Hong Kong actress Kathy Chow, who once promoted vaccines for the CCP, has raised this question. In fact, many Chinese cities have already conducted large-scale emergency drills for vaccine safety incidents.