All in Inspired by Life 人生感悟
Again, it's a matter of balance, boundary, and limitation. 所以,這還是一個度、一個邊界、及一個平衡的問題。
Although what we talked about exposed was the most heinous of crimes, the time with him felt as warm and as pleasant as a spring breeze.
我們講的雖然是難以承受之罪行和邪惡,然而,奇怪的是,每次與他在一起的時光,卻讓我如沐春風。他像慈父一樣溫暖,又像朋友一樣知心。他明明是那樣一位「大人物」,然而每次見面,他都「不遺餘力」地向別人說他怎樣是我的粉絲(big fan),彷彿我才是世間最了不起的人一般。
However, the foundation of my life was formed and created by the "forbidden books" I read when I was a child and by my "nature" of being a super book lover. 但是,我的人生的底蘊,是我小時候讀過的那些「禁書」,和我瘋狂愛看書的「本性」所形成、造就的,這與家庭無關。
Confucius says, "The knowledgeable love waters, the benevolent love mountains." For me, he was both waters and mountains. His big heart, profound wisdom, kindness, and patience were always things that I could rely on.
But today for some reason, I suddenly felt that my heart is so vulnerable and sad. I know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, but I don't know how long this tunnel is, and how many more lives will be swallowed by the darkness. 我自認一直是很超脫、很清醒、很理智的,今天不知爲何,卻突然柔軟傷感了起來。我知道光明終將重現,然後我卻不知道,我們還要在黑暗中「魔幻」多久,又還會有多少人,會被這黑暗吞噬。
All in all, I think it is because “whoever cultivates gains”. 總之就是,誰修修得。
To be able to stay unmoved by all external factors and situations can also be achieved by being able to Ren. 能夠確認哪些是自己該管的,哪些是不該管的,知道度和界限在哪裡,並且能不為不該為之動心的人或事動心,這些可能都屬於能忍的範疇。
Letting go of attachment is the only way to ascend. 放下執著,才有昇華。And it feels so good. 真好。