Jennifer Zeng shares what it’s like to join the Chinese Communist Party.
Jennifer Zeng shares what it’s like to join the Chinese Communist Party.
This is the powerful and moving story of how a bright, successful young scientist and happily married mother survived detention and torture, only to be forced to flee her family and homeland to seek asylum in Australia.
"We read about it in the history books but it doesn't happen anymore. I had been transferred to the Nazi concentration camps. That kind of feeling haunted me for a long time."
There is still another year to go until the CCP’s next National Congress. Can Xi Jinping hold on to his power till then? It seems that things are becoming more and more uncertain.
To solve a problem we must first recognize the problem. Your voice is bringing the problem to light and something good will happen because of your voice. 要解決問題,我們必須首先認識到問題。你的聲音揭示了這些問題。因爲你的講述,美好的事情就將發生。
However, 11 years afterwards, the CCP is preparing to cut ties with the world, to close its doors again, and to go back to Mao’s time. And if it is really preparing for a war against Taiwan, it needs to have absolute control of the media too.
我們想像一下,假如今年一月份,台灣大選蔡英文落選,韓國瑜和宋楚瑜任何一個當了台灣總統,那中共的 「和平統一」 已經完成了。中共兵不血刃占領了台灣!就這麼簡單。
He is trying to tell Xi Jinping, now we’ve accumulated enough power, enough strength. Now it’s time for us to display our will to use this power, once and for all, to achieve our last, great strategic goal.
I think after Taiwan is taken back, the vast majority of countries will begin to turn to China, they are very snobbish, very practical, so the international situation for us after that will be very good. 我覺得臺灣拿下,絕大部分國家,都是開始轉向中國,他們很勢利眼的,很實惠的,所以我們後面的國際格局是很好的。
Obviously, Ping An bank must have also encountered cash flow problems. 此视频说明:蓝光和平安的资金都断链了。
So when will the war break out? I think it depends on how desperate Xi Jinping is.
However, from Xi Jinping’s attitude, Jiang Zemin could see that Xi had been unwilling to inherit this political, or human rights abuse legacy left over by Jiang Zemin.
Now, because of the CCPVirus, everybody has to wear a mask. 現在呢?人人都「乖乖」「自願」戴上口罩。