
可能很少會有人擁有與我一樣的這份記錄與記憶。因此,在川普再次當選爲美國總統的歷史性的今天 ,我願意分享這段文字與記載,以說明爲什麼會有人對川普的勝選感到震驚或不解。 一言以蔽之:是虛假的媒體報導和信息造成的。

Behind New York Times Articles Attacking Shen Yun: Whistleblower, CCP Spy & Their Goals

The CCP's infiltration of the U.S. and the world has become so rampant that we must take it very seriously. For the targets it wishes to suppress, it can mobilize its global united front system, spy system, and propaganda system to operate worldwide. In a way, this has become a war and invasion without gunpowder against other countries.