"On the Way" by Yuan Xi is exactly such a piece. Within as few as five lines and 28 Chinese characters, she depicts such a scene...
All in Arts and Culture 藝術與文化
"On the Way" by Yuan Xi is exactly such a piece. Within as few as five lines and 28 Chinese characters, she depicts such a scene...
Wade me into crystal blue/將我溶入那水藍的晶瑩/weave me into forests green/將我織入那森林的蔥綠
Here looking back/The universe now tiny as dust./天道何盤盤 機深玉宇寒
one glimpse of eternity/come wider worlds /where our hearts are called.
I am the light behind the dawning sunthe song before the world begun.我是水上的低語/黎明前的曙光
Another changing season, suddenly becoming warm or cold/乍寒乍暖時光/鷓鴣聲裡斜陽
Where wind plays/with leaf and flower/forests whisper/in silent word
With the wind, may my wings soar/Passed world's seas to be near you/愛彼白蓮花采得月精華
Well, now let's show everyone an example of Cang Tou Shi. 當我把這張粥撲出來的照片發到小組平臺上給大家看時,元曦冷不丁來了句:「這就叫『急思廣溢』!」
Breath of creation passing through the forest/ Of wisdom lighting the path
My guess is Ravage would have been in more festivals, but China’s soft power reaches far and wide. One day. One day.
If we could touch the sky/let innocence dance