My heart sank when hearing this. 他說得很平靜、很自然、很「豁達」,然而我的心卻往下一沉。
All in Arts and Culture 藝術與文化
Let us remember the day/For the traveler to return home 讓琴聲撥動了你的回憶 讓它牽引你的夢/不知不覺這神州的歷史已記取了你的笑容
A crystal clear moon night, the river running afar/melting into the sky/一引洞簫春江夜 萬頃滉漾碧琉璃
Again, this video from Legends Unfolding made me cry, at about 19'40", when I saw…恰恰是這些,而不是樂園演奏著雄壯的樂曲走在大街上接受萬衆歡呼的鏡頭,讓我止不住流下感動的淚水。
Crystal snow covering the mountains/The thick forests so lonely 山中晶瑩雪 春深寂寞林
We are more/than mind and senses/more than our/grandest schemes
Let your life come amongst them like a flame of light, my child, unflickering and pure, and delight them into silence.
Much more are we/than confined to flesh/mere skin and frame/housed in matter
Wandering through foreign lands /Half of my lifetime has passed 半世異鄉為客/平生人境結廬
Then it grew so tall/It wore a crown of light/有一回 正當黃金時光/我在地下播下了一粒種子
The sails unfurl/the cries ring in the air 撐開了帆啟航/啜泣聲在空中迴響