I never expected that people would find out the “truth” without me saying anything.
All in Life Stories 人生故事
I never expected that people would find out the “truth” without me saying anything.
他被我問得愣住了,說,在你說「 The water is too small 」之前,我本來是知道該怎麼說的。你說完我不知道了,好像「The water is too small 」更準確形象⋯⋯
當他和貂兒站在一處那一刻,我不知怎麼竟會由衷升起一種找到了組織的安全感。When he stood beside the guy wearing a mink coat, I somehow felt a sense of security from the bottom of my heart, as if I had finally found my own organization that I can belong to.
I forgot when it was. Perhaps it was shortly after he expressed his love for me. 忘了是何時了,是剛剛收到「表白」不久吧,一分開,他就對我說……
Perhaps God created man and woman for them to love and companion each other, and to comfort each other through the difficult times on Earth. 上帝造了男人女人,也許就是讓他們彼此相愛相伴,彼此安慰著度過這艱難人生罷。
Therefore, on a sunny afternoon, under a grape trellis far from the hustle and bustle of the world, I made my vow and wish to him: "May Zhen-Shan-Ren and my love be with you forever.” 於是,在一個陽光明媚的下午,在一個遠離塵世喧囂的葡萄架下,我對他說出了自己的誓言與心願:「May Zhen-Shan-Ren and my love be with you forever (願『真善忍』及我的愛永遠伴隨你。)」
On the one hand, he's like the most courteous gentleman and is extremely cautious with every step he takes… 一方面,他像一個最有教養的紳士一樣小心翼翼,步步為營,半點也不敢造次;另一方面……